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The Conference


The conference is intended to contribute to a conversation about what we as a people and as a nation can become. 


Live streaming


A dedicated channel on YouTube for Visioning a Better America will be live for the entire conference.  In addition, the conference staff will video record all presentations, Q & A, and panels which will be available on the conference website, here at ​




Subsequently, a publisher will be sought for a book of the presentations, which might be supplemented by commentators relevant to a presentation who did not themselves make a presentation.  

​College course

The book will be oriented to a general audience, and could be used as a text for college courses designed around the ideal future of our country.  Such a course could be co-taught by a team of historians, political scientists, economists, policy experts, sociologists, psychologists, professors of law, journalism and media, and current or retired elected officials.  Conference presenters and Organizing Committee members include those from Earlham College, the College of Charleston, and the universities of George Washington, Wisconsin, Princeton, Duke, Harvard, and Howard.  These schools might be beta-test sites for innovating the college course. 


Visioning a Better Region or Locality conferences in the future


Regions, cities, and localities across the country can learn from the experience of the initial citizens conference.  We will be available to help those conferences organize and launch.


Visioning a Better America conferences in the future


There can be a recurring conference in Congress, when it again opens to the public, where citizens describe their ideal future for our country.  Congresspeople, and the nation, can look forward to the cherry blossoms and to the coming of Spring…and to the citizens presenting their vision for our country.

Visioning A Better America 

is a project of


The Common Good

A DC-based nonpartisan nonprofit

EIN # 38-4101664

501(c)3 tax exempt

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